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Michael Hicks

Social: LinkedIn, Threads and Twitter/X (defunct)
Mastodon: mastodon.social/@michael_w_hicks
MOOC: Software Security (now free)
Blogs: PL Enthusiast, PL Perspectives

I am a Senior Principal Scientist at Amazon Web Services where I work on topics of automated reasoning and automated test generation. Previously, I co-led (with Emina Torlak) development on the Cedar authorization policy language, which is part of Amazon Verified Permissions.

I am also a Professor Emeritus (retired 2022) in the Computer Science Department and UMIACS at the University of Maryland, College Park. With Jeff Foster I founded PLUM, the lab for Programming Languages research at the University of Maryland; David Van Horn and Leo Lampropoulos are its current directors. (You may find it interesting to read about how PLUM is managed.) I am also affiliated with QuiCS and the Maryland Cybersecurity Center (MC2), and was formerly MC2's Director (2011-2013, see our video!). I was Chair (2015-2018) and Past Chair (2018-2021) of ACM SIGPLAN, the Founder (2019) and Editor (until mid-2021) of PL Perspectives, the SIGPLAN blog, and was the CTO of Correct Computation, Inc (2018-2021). I am currently the Editor in Chief of Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL).

Here is my current vita and a list of my publications, organized by year and by category.

I received my Ph.D. in Computer and Information Science from the University of Pennsylvania in August 2001, and I spent one year as a post-doctoral associate affiliated with the Information Assurance Institute of the Computer Science Department at Cornell University. During academic 2008 - 2009, I was on sabbatical in Cambridge, England. From September to November I was at Microsoft Research and from December to August 2009 I was at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. During the Summer of 2015 I visited Microsoft Research in Redmond.

News: My Software Security on-line class, created in 2015, is now freely available (originally hosted on Coursera).

How fast can you type? (My best ever is 108 wpm.)


My primary research interest is to develop and evaluate techniques to improve software availability, reliability, and security. Here is a list of recent projects.
Secure programming - How do we build software that is secure? We have been developing a contest, called build-it, break-it, fix-it whose aim to test how well students can build software securely. We have now offered the contest several times (including many times in classes at UMD and elsewhere) and have some interesting data analysis of what strategies work and don't work for building and breaking. We are working on a more in-depth analysis of contest data. One clear outcome, previously known but confirmed by the contest, is that programming in C and C++ is risky. We have been working on Checked C, an extension to C aimed to provide safety. Checked C is specifically designed to ease the porting of legacy code. We have also been looking at how to make the safe Rust programming language easier to use by incorporating a garbage collector.
Fuzz testing - How to automatically test software to find bugs and security vulnerabilities? We have looked at methodologies for evaluating randomized/fuzz testers (blog post), and means to combine coverage-guided fuzzing with property based testing. We are working on automated benchmark generation techniques and new algorithms and frameworks.
Quantum computation programming languages - means to develop reliable and efficient quantum programs on near-term devices. We have been applying formal methods toward the goal of developing a verified compiler stack for quantum programs, starting with VOQC, the verified optimizer for quantum circuits (code link). We also looked at the challenge of developing high-quality quantum programs despite limited, noisy resources on quantum computers available in the near term.  
Blending programming languages and cryptography - means of implementing privacy-preserving or integrity-assuring computation through the combination of programming languages and cryptographic techniques. We have looked at languages and analyses for secure multiparty computation, most notably a new programming language called Wysteria, and a follow-on language Symphony. We have also developed novel mechanisms for cloud-based computations involving general-purpose authenticated data structures (blog post) and compiler-optimized oblivious RAM.

Further in the past, I was involved in the following projects:

  • Kitsune and Rubah frameworks for allowing safe, efficient, and flexible updates to running C and Java code. Also worked on Bullfrog (blog post), a system supporting online schema evolution in Postgres. Earlier work and papers on dynamic updating are described here.
  • LWeb, a novel Haskell-based framework for preventing leaks in web applications.
  • Prob, a tool employing probabilistic abstract interpretation for enforcing quantitative knowledge-based policies that protect static and time-varying secrets, incorporating uses of sampling to improve precision.
  • Adapton, a library for incremental computation --- the idea is to write an algorithm largely as usual, but then to derive a version that can incrementally update the output following a small changes to its input.
  • Expositor, a library for writing dynamic analyses to assist in debugging, taking advantage of record/replay support.
  • Diamondback Ruby, static and hybrid static/dynamic type system for the Ruby scripting language. 
  • Otter, a symbolic executor for C programs.
  • LockSmith, a static analysis tool for proving the absence of race conditions in C programs.
  • Path Projection, a browser-based UI toolkit for presenting, navigating, and querying paths emitted as static analysis results; we applied it to Locksmith.
  • Cyclone, a safe dialect of C. Cyclone's system for manual memory management was influential in the development of Rust.
  • I have also looked at means for customized, language-enforced security policies, implemented in a web programming language, SELinks, and automatically inserted by a compiler called Coco.
  • MGRP, for measurement-aware data transport and kernel-based rootkit detection.

 Links to all past projects may be found on the PLUM home page.

Research Group

Previous students and postdocs (PhD, unless otherwise annotated):
Liyi Li (postdoc) Assistant Professor, Iowa State, since July 2023
Ethan Cecchetti (postdoc) Assistant Professor, Wisconsin, since July 2023
Michael Coblenz (postdoc) Assistant Professor, UCSD, since September 2022
Kesha Hietala Researcher, Sandia National Labs, since October 2024; previously Applied Scientist, Amazon Web Services, July 2022-October 2024
Ian Sweet Research Engineer, Galois, since July 2022
Yiyun Liu (MS, undergrad) PhD student, University of Pennsylvania, since September 2021
Leonidas Lampropoulos (postdoc)
Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, since July 2020
Robert Rand (postdoc)
Assistant Professor, University of Chicago, since July 2020
James Parker Advanced Language-based Techniques for Correct, Secure Networked Systems
Software research engineer, Galois, since June 2020 (part-time 2019)

Andrew Ruef Tools and Experiments for Software Security
Quantitative Researcher at IDA/CCS February 2019-2021
Chang Liu**** Trace Oblivious Program Execution
Post-doc at UC Berkeley, 2016-2018; researcher at Citadel Securities since 2019
Shiyi Wei (postdoc) Associate Professor, University of Texas at Dallas, since August 2017
Aseem Rastogi Language-based Techniques for Practical and Trustworthy Secure Multi-Party Computations
Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research India since June 2016
Matthew Hammer (postdoc) Research scientist at DFinity 2019-2023; previously Assistant Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder, August 2015-January 2019
Luis Pina*** Practical Dynamic Software Updating (for Java)
Assistant Professor at University of Illinois, Chicago, starting Fall'19; previously post-doc at George Mason (Aug 2017-19) and Imperial College, London (Mar 2015-Aug 2017)

Karla Saur* Dynamic Upgrades for High Availability Systems
Distributed Systems Engineer, Nvidia DGX Cloud since October 2024; previously a researcher at Microsoft (2018-2024) and Intel Labs (2015-2018)
Piotr Mardziel Modeling, Measuring, and Limiting Adversary Knowledge
Systems Scientist at CMU (previously, post-doc) since June 2016; post-doc at UMD Jan'15 - Jun'16
Nate Parsons (MS)
Implementing and Typing a Core Calculus for Mixed-mode Secure Multi-party Computations (scholarly paper)
Missions software engineer at Planet since 2013; previously, engineer at JHUAPL
Khoo Yit Phang* User-centered Program Analysis Tools
Senior Team Lead at MathWorks since August 2013
Nataliya Guts (postdoc) Security Solutions Engineer, Futurae
Chris Hayden* Clear, Correct, and Efficient Dynamic Software Updates
Senior Software Engineer at Amazon Web Services since Mar. 2020; previously at SocialCode 2015-2019; WaPo Labs/Trove 2012-2015
Ted Smith (undergrad)* Senior Product Manager, Mysten Labs, since June 2023; previously at Hudson River Trading (2022-2023), Bloomberg LP (2019-2023); and Google (2016-2018); grad student at UMass Amherst 2013-2016
Stephen Magill (postdoc) VP, Product Innovation at Sonatype, since 2021; formerly CEO of MuseDev, Principal scientist, Galois, 2014-2020; reearcher at IDA/CCS, 2012-2014
Justin McCann Automating Performance Diagnosis in Networked Systems
Avere Systems since July 2012
Martin Ma* Improving Program Testing and Understanding via Symbolic Execution
Software Engineer at Google since 2013 (previously at Amazon)
Saurabh Srivastava* Satisfiability-based Program Reasoning and Program Synthesis
Founder, Synthetic Minds, since 2017; founder, 20n, 2013-2017; post-doc at Berkeley 2012-2014
Pavlos Papageorgiou The Measurement Manager: Modular and Efficient End-to-end Measurement Services
Software Engineer, Google (AI), since December 2008
Iulian Neamtiu Practical Dynamic Software Updating
Full Prof, NJIT; there since Fall 2015 (at UC Riverside, 2008-2015).
Manuel Oriol (postdoc) President of Constructor Institute and Professor of Software Engineering, since 2021; Principal Scientist, R&D manager at ABB Switzerland Ltd. 2011-2021;
Senior Lecturer, University of York (UK), 2008-2014
Polyvios Pratikakis* Sound, precise, and efficient static race detection for multithreaded programs
Associate professor in CS, University of Crete, since 2014; researcher, Institute of Computer Science, FORTH, 2010-2014; post-doc at CNRS/VERIMAG 2008-2009
Nikhil Swamy Language-based Enforcement of User-defined Security Policies as Applied to Multi-tier Web Applications
Senior Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research, Redmond, since Fall 2008
Nick L. Petroni** Property-based Integrity Monitoring of Operating System Kernels
Chief scientist, Volexity, since 2015; research scientist, IDA/CCS 2008-2015

* co-advised with Jeff Foster ** co-advised with Bill Arbaugh *** co-advised with Luís Veiga
**** co-advised with Elaine Shi

I have also worked closely with Kelsey Fulton and Dan Votipka (advised by Michelle Mazurek), Aravind Machiry (PhD student interned at UMD, advised by Giovanni Vigna and Chris Kruegel at UCSB), Niki Vazou (postdoc supervised by David Van Horn), David Darais (advised by David Van Horn), Andrew Miller (co-advised with Jon Katz and Elaine Shi), Avik Chaudhuri, Mike Furr, David An, and Elnatan Reisner (advised by Jeff Foster), Adam Bender (advised by Bobby Bhattacharjee), Jaime Spacco (advised by Bill Pugh), and Suriya Subramanian (advised by Kathryn McKinley while at UT Austin). I have previously advised Willem Wyndham, Jonathan Turpie (now at Amazon), Brian Corcoran (now at Palantir), Eric Hardisty, and James Rose (now at Google). I've also worked with post-grad Patrick Jenkins, undergrad Jeff Meister, and high school students, Ted Smith (from Walt Whitman High), and Yael Pinsky, George Klees, Matt McCutchen, and Cody Burton (from Montgomery Blair). Both Ted and Matt later became undergraduate students at UMD and Ted, Matt, and Cody all went to graduate school (at UMass, MIT CSAIL, and MIT Physics, respectively). I ended up working with Matt at Correct Computation.


Professional Activities

I was the Chair (2015-2018) and Past Chair (2018-2021) of ACM SIGPLAN; I was the Steering Committee Chair for POPL (2018-2021); Founder and Editor of PL Perspectives, the SIGPLAN blog (2019-2021); an Associate Editor for TOPLAS (2012-2016); and I have served (or am serving) on the following committees

2024 POPL
2023 PLDI (Area Chair), PACMPL (Editor in Chief, til Nov 2025)
2022 S&P
2020 PLanQC (co-organizer), PLDI (ERC)
2019 POPL SRC, ASPLOS (ERC), SNAPL, CCS (Area Chair), SecDev
2018 POST, S&P (Area Chair), SecDev
2017 S&P, ESSoS, CCS, USENIX ASE, SecDev
2016 PLDI, CSF (PC co-chair), USENIX ASE, SecDev (PC chair), CSAW judge
2015 S&P, CSF (PC co-chair), SNAPL
2012 POPL (PC chair), HotSWUp
2011 TLDI, HotSWUp (co-organizer), OOPSLA
2010 ESOP, PLDI (ERC and tutorials chair), ICFP (PC and local arrangements), PASTE
2007 PLAS (general and PC chair), OOPSLA, COORDINATION, PLDI
2006 FTfJP, PLAS, SPACE, OOPS (part of SAC 2006)
2003 IWAN, USE
2002 IWAN, USE
2001 IWAN
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